Nothing says LOVE like an accordion!

By | General, Holiday, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

Looking for a unique valentine for your love? Want to give something sweet to your best friend? Need something to send to grandma? No matter what the reason – our accordion zines are a great choice for Valentine’s Day!

Ok – imagine this – the mail just arrived at your house. You go out to your mailbox, and collect your mail. There, in the midst of your usual bills and magazines, is a card! Yes! Everybody loves special mail. Now imagine that when you go to open said card, it unfolds into an adorable collection of photos of you and your best friend – it’s an accordion zine! Best day ever, right?

Seriously, we have long believed that our accordion zines make the best cards. You can pin them to the wall, or set them on a shelf. They are so superior to your standard card – it’s crazy! And since ye olde Valentine’s Day (the greatest of all greeting card holidays) is right around the corner, we thought we’d highlight this product and help get your creative juices flowing. Knock it out of the park this year, and send everybody something super cool. Send accordion zines!

You know the best part of sending somebody an accordion zine? It’s SO EASY! Seriously – you just upload 6 photos, choose your size, pick a cover color – and we do the rest! We’ll print and ship directly to your loved one, and you’ll get all the credit!

So, what are you waiting for? Make that special mail day a reality for the people you love! Click on over and order your accordion zine today! 

Meet Bradley Cantrell

By | Art From the Hills, Artist, Photographer, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

Learn a little more about photographer Bradley Cantrell! We love working with this guy, and we think you’ll love his work.

​Probably our favorite thing about being printers is that we get to meet and work with really cool artists like Bradley Cantrell. Bradley is a super talented photographer who lives and works right here in Knoxville, TN. Bradley has an awesome show coming up at Pellissippi State in the Bagwell Center Gallery that will run from November 20-December 8. We were luckily enough to chat with Bradley this week about his work and motivation. Check out our conversation below!

  • When did you first pick up a camera and what was your motivation?
    • When I took a photography class in high school, I think 10th grade. I bought a point and shoot Canon.
  • Has your motivation changed from then to now? Has you gear changed from then to now?
    • Absolutely, obviously then it was for a class I didn’t really care about. Now I am trying to make art. My gear has definitely changed, I shoot lots of different film cameras, and currently am shooting Sony for digital.

  • What is your favorite camera or format to work with?
    •  My Hasselblad 500c medium format is probably my favorite camera I have.
  • Do you plan out a lot of your shots ahead of time, or just shoot as you see things? Favorite subject? What inspires you most?
    • I love to plan almost nothing, I think I get the best images when i’m not trying to. I love photographing people, and I find a lot of inspiration from movies.

  • When you’re shooting while traveling and snap one of a passer-by or something do they ever notice and say anything? Ever had any interesting reactions?
    • Yes, I was in Scotland and this lady was in the middle of the street feeding some birds, easily 200 birds it was surreal and as soon as I lifted my camera to photograph this scene she freaked out and ran over to me and my friends screaming at us, demanding we delete any photos of her. She was actually scaring some of the people with me so I had to tell her off! It was an experience. 
      • This story is awesome!

  • What is your favorite location that you’ve seen/photographed?
    • There was an Island in Scotland that was the most incredible place I have ever been or even seen. Lush green hills and a rocky coast to the ocean, not another person in sight. It was a place you see in movies and I never imagined I would step foot near. 

  • Black and white or color?
    • I never liked black and white until I started shooting film, that is such a tough decision but I would go with black and white.
  • Can you give us the details of your upcoming show?
    • The reception is Nov. 20th, 4-7pm. It is all photographs from a trip to south korea, 59 images total. it will be hanging until Dec. 8th

  • What brought you to Tweek?
    •  Emily Brewer messaged me about a special discount on prints, and probably a hundred prints later here we are. 
  • Would you recommend Tweek to other photographers?
    • Oh yes, I recommend Tweek to all my photographer friends. Excellent customer service, especially if you are local, and you guys actually care about what you are working on. 
      • Thanks buddy!

  • Current musical obsession: I’ve been stuck jamming The Killers and Manchester Orchestra’s new albums.
  • Favorite meal of the day: Breakfast, no doubt.
  • Coffee or Chocolate: Coffee

Check out Bradley’s website or his Instagram to see more of his work!

Meet Kyle Myles

By | Artist, Photographer, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

We love seeing the world through the eyes of others at Tweek. Sometimes that means we’re scanning your negatives, restoring your photos or printing them. For photographer, Kyle Myles, that often means helping him during the printing process. More recently we were helping him print a number of panoramic photos for a show in his hometown of Washington D.C. Often times we get to look into his life with his friends and his family when we print his work. We love printing Kyle’s work. Even more, we love sharing it on the blog today. So, here ya go. Learn more about Kyle Myles.

TI: When did you first pick up a camera and what was your motivation?

KM: I first picked up a camera around 2012 to document my friends that I was skateboarding with.

TI: Has your motivation changed from then to now? How so?

KM: I’m still documenting skateboarding but now I photograph everything else, and everyone else I know, as well.

TI: Has you gear changed from then to now? What did you start out shooting with? How old are you/did you start out pre-digital age?

KM: My first camera was a Sony Nex-5 and i’ve used a wide variety of cameras, both film and digital, ever since. I’m 27 now so I started well after digital came about.

TI: Tweek printed some panoramas for you that were pretty awesome…what were you shooting those with?

KM: Thank you! Those were shot with a Hasselblad XPan that a friend loaned to me.

TI: Do you do those very often or just when the scene is right?

KM: I would certainly shoot more panoramics if only I could afford an XPan. The wide open western landscape definitely lends itself to a aspect ratio like that.

TI: Favorite subject? Do you have to say your family?

KM: Family and friends for sure. I’ve realized lately that the majority of my work is centered around the people closest to me. I’m not particularly interested in documenting strangers, though I enjoy and admire the work of many photographers who do.

TI: Speaking of family…your niece and nephew must just see a camera as an extension of your face by now. How have their interactions with you and your camera changed over the years? Or have they? Do they put on a show for the camera at all or just act naturally all the time?

KM: They’ve seen me with a camera ever since I picked one up so I think they must see it as an extension of me by now. They’re the only people that I know who (most of the time) don’t put on a show when they see the camera. We’ll see how that dynamic changes as they grow but for the time being they’re generally in their own worlds and don’t pay my camera any mind.

TI: People or places/things? Do you prefer one over the other?

KM: I definitely prefer photographing the people in my life but sometimes a scene/landscape can hold just as much emotion or connection for me. I can’t explain what I might see in a scene that brings me to photograph it and I never know until I have gotten home whether it has translated or not.

TI: Black and white all the way? A few of your panos are in color…is that it?

KM: The majority of my work is definitely in black and white but i’ve been pushing myself lately to try and make more work in color. It’s been a challenge to say the least.

TI: Why are you such a fan of B&W?

KM: When I started shooting with film and developing it myself, I got into black and white for how easy/cheap it was process. After shooting that way for some time it became natural to see and photograph things with that in mind. I look at just as much color work as I do black and white but for me my preference for my own photography is still overwhelmingly black and white.

TI: Future of photography equipment…what do you see?

KM: I think DSLR’s are definitely on the decline as camera manufacturers are investing more into mirrorless technology and many users are looking for the best performance in the smallest package. That’s part of what makes the Sony A7(r,s), Fuji X and Leica M series so popular. As great a tool that the cell phone camera is, and I use mine just as frequently as any camera I own, I think there will always be a market for dedicated still and video cameras. I try not to think too much about equipment. The most important thing is to find a tool that works best for you and the way you work.

TI: I’m a big fan of clean, negative space and you do that really well. Did you start out seeing this way or did you just end up here?

KM: That’s something that has developed in my work over time. I find cluttered photographs too distracting and I try to give the key elements their own space to breathe

TI: Any shows coming up for you? Give us the details and tell us what we could see if we are able to go.

KM: I currently have an exhibition of panoramic images, made in California and Nevada, up at Hanks Cocktail Bar in Washington, DC. It runs through October 31st.

TI: What brought you to Tweek? How long have you worked with Tweek, and what keeps you coming back for each project?

KM: I was initially approached by my friend Emily Brewer to try out Tweek’s latest online platform about a year or so ago. I enjoy working with you all for the one on one experience (Tony is just a text or email away for any of my obsessive questions), the value for my money and the end result which has never disappointed me.

TI: Would you recommend Tweek to other photographers?

KM: Definitely, and I have on quite a few occasions.

TI: Current inspiration:

KM: The stack of books on my coffee table (Larry Towell is at the top of the pile) and whatever good work my friends make on a daily basis.

TI: Current musical obsession:

KM: Future Islands is the most recent played artist on my Spotify.

TI: Favorite meal of the day:

KM: Dinner, because its the one meal I never forget to eat.

TI: Coffee or Chocolate:

KM: Don’t do that to me…


Meet Danny Wilson

By | Artist, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

It’s time we introduce you to another Tweek Artist! This month we are pleased to share a recent Q&A with Danny Wilson. Danny is a Knoxville illustrator who has worked with clients ranging from the University of Tennessee to The White House, Scripps Networks to Warner Bros, Panera to Taylor Swift…. We love printing Danny’s work and getting to see what he’s been working on. The talent of our Tweek Artists is truly unmatched. Enjoy reading/meeting Danny!

TI: So your career started with a BFA in Graphic Design/Illustration. What was your initial motivation as far as work was concerned? Did you have one goal in mind?

DW: My career actually started before I had a BFA. While a student at UT, I worked as an illustrator for The Knoxville Journal doing news and sports related illustrations and informational graphics. As my graduation approached, my goal was to move to a larger market and get hired by an illustration studio. At the time, in the mid-eighties, there were illustration studios in major cities that had several illustrators on staff and just cranked out the work. It was a great way to get trained and learn to produce professional level art. The day after graduation I went to Atlanta and on my second day got hired by an illustrator from New Zealand, Ian Greathead. Ian was a renowned airbrush illustrator who was in such demand he was turning down a lot of work. He decided to start a studio to be able to take on that extra work, and I was the first illustrator that he hired.

TI: What was the content of your final show and how did that shape what you did in the future at all?

DW: At that time at UTK we weren’t doing the “final show” concept for BFA students. However I did have a portfolio of work that showcased what I hoped to do professionally. At one point in my schooling I made a decision that I wanted to be an illustrator rather than a graphic designer. My upper level classes reflected that choice, so I had a portfolio full of illustration that had quite a bit of diversity in style and technique. Even though I was always told that I needed to develop one style to be known for, that ability to be versatile has turned out to be very important in my career.

TI: From concept renderings, cartooning, logo creations…do you have a favorite? Why?

DW: I have come to really enjoy the concept renderings that I do for Event and Experiential Marketing firms. Each project is unique. They are usually quick turnaround, but they pay well. And that niche has allowed me to do work for a lot of nationally prominent companies and people like Warner Bros, Netflix, Panera, Yahoo, Taylor Swift, The White House, Zappos, etc. etc.

TI: What is more challenging for you–bringing a creative firm’s vision to life based on their description or the physical creation of a piece?

DW: I would think the bigger challenge is the first part, making sure I understand what the client is asking for. Each client has a different way of describing what they want, but over time I have learned how to interpret their descriptions and what questions to ask. After I have an understanding of the project, the creation of the image is the part that comes more natural to me. I will usually do a sketch and send to the client for approval, to make sure I understood their requests, before starting on the final color art.

TI: Is there one thing you started doing early on in your business that set you up for success? One small daily practice that makes everything fall into place?

DW: A couple of things come to mind that I always tell students and young entrepreneurs. One is to treat being a freelancer like a job. Get up. Get dressed. Even though flexibility of your schedule is a nice perk of freelancing, try to keep somewhat regular hours when possible. The second thing is some pretty obvious financial advice to help even out the feast or famine nature of freelancing. Set up a business checking account separate from your personal account. When you receive payment, deposit it in your business account, set aside 20% for taxes and then write yourself a regular paycheck into your personal account. That way you don’t end up blowing through the money when you had a good month and then have nothing when you have a bad month. And be aware, you will have good and bad months for your entire career.

TI: Was there one project early on that shaped your business? Maybe a type of illustration you didn’t expect to do?

DW: I’m sorry to go back to the concept renderings, but that really has been the biggest surprise of my career. In the early nineties I got a call from Michael Miller at Whittle Communications. He asked if I would do a project that he had been given that he didn’t feel like he could do. It was a concept rendering for the new Whittle Events Group to be used in a presentation to Coca Cola for the Coca Cola Road Trip. Not really understanding what the Events Group did, I thought it was a one time project, but when I delivered it to him (a 24”x 36” marker rendering, mounted on foam core), a young Brad Wirz, who had just joined the sales division of the Events Group, saw it and said to me, “Hey, how much is one of those?” We talked for a few minutes and later that day he called me with another concept rendering project. And I’ve been doing them, and specializing in them, now for about 25 years. So I owe a lot to Michael and Brad for that part of my career. It’s a niche that I didn’t even know existed prior to that and one that I now get work for from all around the U.S.

TI: Do you have a favorite project as of late? Why?

DW: I recently was asked to create the official art for The 2017 Chick-fil-A Kickoff Games in Atlanta, which open the College Football season each year. I enjoy doing College Football related images and this project, which I got because of the poster I created and sold in 2016 for The Battle at Bristol football game has been a fun challenge. Its getting a lot of exposure on a national scale and it’s led to some important relationships in the college football world for me.

TI: What project brought you the most public recognition do you think?

DW: The Battle at Bristol poster last year, that I just mentioned, led to five or six TV and radio interviews, and several newspaper articles, so that might be it. In years past though I’ve had some pretty visible projects. I designed the court graphics for The Summitt, UT’s basketball court. I did the growling Smokey logo that you see on shirts and bumpers. And I did the old starburst Power T design that used to be on the back of the jumbotron at Neyland Stadium. Another highly visible project that has been around for a while is a large mural at the Hoover Dam Visitors Center. Also, the graphic on the front of the Kraken supercomputer at ORNL. Those are some of the more visible projects I have done.

TI: What project brought you the recognition in the art world do you think?

DW: I’m not really sure how to answer this. I’m not really recognized in the art world in any kind of tangible way. I don’t enter award shows or anything like that. I’m a relatively obscure illustrator that has happily been able to make a living at it for over 30 years.

TI: What brought you to Tweek?

DW: Even though I think I may have interacted with them earlier, I was really made aware of Tweek when I was working on a project with Paul Seylar, Creative Director at Scripps Networks. We teamed up to create a pretty unique infographic, that doubled as a framable piece of art. Tweek was working with Paul on the gicleé prints. Later on, when I need a source of that same kind of printing I got their contact info from Paul.

TI: How long have you worked with Tweek?

DW: That Scripps Networks project was in 2012. I think the first actual job that I sent to them personally was a print of a caricature of my friend Mike Wenger, in 2013.

TI: What keeps you coming back for each project?

DW: Quality products coupled with excellent customer service.  They really know what they are doing in both.

TI: Would you recommend Tweek to other illustrators?

DW: Absolutely! And I do!

TI: Current inspiration:

DW: Since almost all of my professional work is done on a digital tablet, I have recently began doing some actual on-site sketching when we travel. The sites I have seen, plus the experience of sketching on the spot, both are very inspirational to me.

TI: Current musical obsession:

DW: The entire career of Bob Dylan.

TI: Favorite meal of the day:

DW: Breakfast is my favorite meal, but since I work from a studio in my home, I do enjoy going out to lunch every day just to keep from going crazy.

TI: Coffee or Chocolate:

DW: Not a coffee drinker so chocolate wins by default.

Meet Emily Brewer!

By | Artist, Photographer, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

It has been a little while since we’ve introduced you fine folks to another Tweek artist. So, we’re here to quench your thirst today! You’ve seen Emily Brewer from time to time on our social media accounts but we thought it was time you learned more about what she does when she isn’t on our social media. She has a couple shows she’s a part of this summer in Knoxville so we’ve got the scoop on those as well. This gal has nothing short of an analogue film obsession and because of that she’s got some pretty fantastic work. Enjoy this little sneak peek in her world! And visit her show in Knoxville before August is over!

TI: Where do we start with you? What camera did you pick up first?

EB: Trying to think back to this first camera of many…I borrowed my Dad’s Minolta SLR back in high school for a short darkroom lesson during an art class, but my first proper camera was purchased at Blue Moon Camera in Portland, Oregon when I lived there way back in the day. I think I bought a Canon AE1.

TI: What draws you to photography? And what keeps you coming back for more?

EB: I think I’ve always been drawn to things that feel magical. Obviously, I realize everything has a scientific explanation and a few genius brains behind it, but think about it – we are using tiny little (and sometimes not so tiny) boxes of wood and metal and plastic with a roll or piece of film in it that captures life as we see it, and sometimes life as we don’t see it. Then we swish it around for a while in some chemicals and there’s an image that we can put in another box and shine light through it onto a chemical-coated paper that makes a photograph right before our eyes as we agitate a tray. It’s fascinating and magical and it feels great. That feeling is what keeps me coming back.

TI: We ask you that because we know you have a camera obsession. What is your current obsession?

EB: Oh man, the camera obsession. Current and long standing obsession is anything Leica. Tiny rangefinders, point & shoots, and half frames really have my heart right now. As well as anything 4×5. So one extreme or the other, basically.

TI: Explain your obsession. Why do you love trying new camera bodies or love acquiring them?

EB: Well, they all have their own nuances. It’s fun getting to know a camera. Each camera I use gives me a different feeling while I’m using it. I’m also an overly technical person (NERD!) so I kinda geek out on stupid tech specs and spend a lot of time researching, just because.

TI: Film or Digital?

EB: FIlm, hands down!

TI: If you could have an unlimited supply of any film what would it be?

EB: Why do you ask these hard questions?! How can I pick just one? If I am forced, I suppose Fuji Neopan. But HP5 & Tri-X are staples too, for affordability.

TI: Describe your favorite shooting environment.

EB: Old, dirty places or cities. Nighttime. Panama City Beach. Anywhere I haven’t been before.

TI: You’ve gotten into tintype photography. What do you love about it?

Remember that thing I said about the magic? Yeah. Plus, it’s pretty interesting that the photograph comes out essentially grain free. And there’s a risk of blowing things up with chemicals, so that’s always fun too.

TI: Your body of work has a good amount of environmental and portrait photography. Do you have a favorite?

EB: No favorites really. I enjoy both equally.

TI: Did you print these yourself in your darkroom?

EB: Yes, I do print them myself in my basement darkroom. I have also used the Knoxville Community Darkroom while mine was still under construction. My platinum prints were made in Portland, Oregon but I am set up to continue making these at home as well. The color prints are professionally printed (the old fashioned way) at my only and favorite camera store and lab – Blue Moon Camera in Portland, Oregon.

TI: Have you displayed your work enough to have a favorite way of hanging/displaying?

EB: I like tacking them up on my wall at home and staring at them until I hate them. Or until I’m bored with them. It motivates me to make more and better.

TI: What would be the content of your dream show?

EB: Interesting question. I don’t really “create” or plan my content, the content, in a way, finds me. I’d be happy to show anything and everything.

Current & Upcoming Shows featuring Emily Brewer:

Striped Light, 8/4-5: Introducing Emily’s new project TnTypes! Visit her site to schedule an appointment to get your very own tintype portrait made this weekend! How cool is that?!

White Oak Gallery, running thru August: Show will consist of silver gelatin prints, platinum prints, polaroid emulsion lifts, and optical color prints. It is in White Oak Gallery.

Current inspiration: All of my creative friends across the world – I’m constantly inspired by any and all other artists.

Current musical obsession: Andy Shauf / True Widow / After Care / Pinback / Title Fight

Favorite meal of the day: Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack – all day food

Coffee or chocolate: Chocolate, and it better be small batch, fancy, expensive, dark, and have superfoods in it.

TI: How do you typically get your film images converted into digital format? Tweek maybe? 🙂 Why Tweek?

EB: Definitely Tweek. I can use quality scanners that have been around and appreciated for years. And I know my obsession for quality is matched by Tony and the rest of the Tweek team.

TI: Do you have a favorite scanner at Tweek? Why?

EB: I prefer using the Scitex Eversmart Pro because the scans have a special quality to them that I don’t see when using other scanners. It’s kind of one of those magical things that’s hard to explain.

TI: What makes you choose Tweek for printing larger format or multiple prints of images? What keeps you coming back for more?

EB: The paper options are enough reason alone. But I also know that Tweek’s attention to detail and quality can’t be found many other places.


Where do prints come from?

By | Artist, Services, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

Ever been curious about the early life of your print before it becomes part of your home? To help you out today we’re going to tell you all about the birds and the bees. Are you ready?!

So, you click order (birds) and we receive your order (bees). Done. You can stop reading now. J/K! J/K!

For real though, once we receive your order we (with gloved hands) print it on your choice of paper then…

Your print gently falls from the printer into the print-friendly hammock below the printer. We then grab your print by the edge attempting to never touch the actual image. A lot of times your print will be curled because we are printing on rolls of paper. So the next step is usually de-curling the print. Essentially we are curling it the opposite direction in order to flatten it. Once it is flattened we place your print(s) in an acid free protective sleeve before attaching it to chip board and placing it in your mailing package. Why do we attach it to chip board? To help with rigidity and protect that happy baby. Gotta protect your babies. They dent so easily.

If you’re in a hurry to get your print and we are rushing a bit (which is totally cool with us) we will place your print in the acid-free sleeve with a piece of standard bond paper to help the image out-gas before it gets to you to go in your frame1.

One question we have for you is… ‘how long are you going to store your print before framing or hanging?’ If it is going to be a while2 we recommend requesting a backing board at checkout. This is going to give your print rigidity and hopefully prevent an ‘uh, oh’ moment for you. We’d hate for you to be forced into ordering the same print twice. Unless you want to of course.

Another great reason for getting a backing board is if you’re an artist and you plan on immediately selling your product or shipping it straight onto your client. We’re here to help make your life easier. Remember? If you’re going to store this print indefinitely we’d recommend you store your print as we send it then sandwiched between acid-free foamboard.

After all that, baby is placed in the shipping container, driven to the shipping facility and placed in their hands to be delivered at your happy door.

The End!

Oh wait, here are some quick tips:

How you can store your prints (if you aren’t immediately framing):

  • Leave them in the packaging (specifically the acid-free sleeve) you get from us

  • Store in a flat file box or cabinet

If you’re framing:

  • Use gloves to be sure no oils or prints are transferred

  • If you want to continue with the archival process we’ve started for you use acid free mats

  • You can also use an acid free backing board like foam-core that will keep your print in place 3

  • Self-adhesive Linen hinging (i.e. Lineco Tape)

The Spot on Main

By | Services, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

We recently had the opportunity to work with The Spot on Main in Jackson, Ohio on a really neat project. You’re going to like this one! Read on for all the sweet details!

We just love making new friends, don’t you?

A few months ago, we made a great new friend when we met the super talented Matt Day1. And then a few weeks back, Tony had the opportunity to go help Matt hang a show of his work in Jackson, Ohio2. (You may have tracked that adventure on our Instagram story. Tony documented the whole thing.) While he was in Jackson, he made ANOTHER new friend. I know – how lucky are we??

Turns out our newest friend – Jenny Massie – was about to open a very cool coffee house. The shop is called The Spot on Main, and it is Jackson’s only coffee shop. Check them out if you’re ever passing through Jackson! Well worth the visit.

So, anyway, Jenny was about to open The Spot on Main, and she had an idea for a photo installation for a large wall in the shop. Jenny and Tony decided to work together to make her idea a reality, and what a reality it became! We are so psyched we had the chance to work on this project.

Starting with old public domain photo of Jackson Ohio from the 1930s, we planned out the layout for the installation in Photoshop. The whole group together needed to be about 11 feet wide! (P.S. These old photos of Jackson are the COOLEST.)

Next we brought out the big guns: we printed on matte adhesive vinyl, and added textured lamination on top. Then we applied the vinyl to ½ inch black Gatorplast3. Whew!

After we printed, laminated, and mounted these beauties we used additional pieces of Gatorplast and 3M adhesive to give the photos different levels of dimension from the wall. This really made the grouping feel super dynamic.

We love this project, and we are super happy to have made a new friend in the process. We are told that people come into The Spot, look at the photos, and say “Oh wow, I think that’s so and so.” or “That’s my grandfather!” and we think that’s so neat. They are really cool historic photos. The Spot on Main is located in a historic building in a really cool historic town4. Even the name “The Spot” has history – ask Jenny Massie about it when you’re in town.

All in all, we are really glad to have been a part of this. Thanks Jenny – and best of the luck with your new business. We predict great success!

  1. Remember ourpost about Matt?
  2. If you watch carefully in Matt’svideo about his show, you can spot Tony a few times! Cameo!
  3. Gatorplast ispretty legit. We think it’ll hold up nicely.
  4. Jackson (also known as “the salt lick town”) has apretty interesting history.

Put it on Canvas!

By | Services, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

If you’re up to date on your reading you’ll see that we mentioned canvases in our Father’s Day Gift Guide. You didn’t order one then but you’re still thinking on it huh? Ok, we get it. Here’s some more info on these guys that may help you decide.

So you’ve seen canvas prints in your friends home and you wonder what the hype is about? Or, maybe you’ve heard no hype and are indifferent. We get that too. If you’d also remember we talked about a couple of options in our Father’s Day post that were instant gifts no prep necessary…well, a canvas is one of those.

With a canvas you can choose a size that might go in any space1 or something that makes a huge statement2…. Either way, no matter what you pick these items are printed, stretched on a frame and ready to hang. There is no stress trying to figure out what kind of frame the print would look best in or where it would look good hung. When you get your canvas print it will have a hanging wire along with a hanger attached to the frame. As for the placement, if the colors in your image don’t clash with your walls you’re pretty much set to hang it anywhere.

Here at Tweek every canvas that leaves our shop is covered in a protective coating that helps keep fingerprints, scuffs and the atmosphere at bay. This is not something we upsell. We just do this. Why? Because we want you to be happy with your product in the long-term. Now, you’re thinking, ‘but I really want a matte finish.’ Don’t worry. You’ll still have a matte finish even though we coat it. Or, maybe you prefer a glossy finish. We can do that too.

The frames we stretch our canvas around are made in house. This allows for a quicker turn-around, quality control, and, of course, customization.3 They are one and a half inches deep. This gives you a good amount of room to see the image wrapped and good visual depth once it is hung.

Maybe you’ve got a wedding photo you’ve been wanting to print. Or an updated family photo. Or maybe you love architectural photography…Tony says those look really nice on canvas. You can start small with an 8×8 to fill a fun little space or go real bold with a 16×20. Either way there’s a perfect size for any space and we’ll guarantee you won’t regret your purchase.

  1. Say an 8×8 or 8×10
  2. Like a 16×20 or larger
  3. We can also do custom orders…maybe you don’t want your canvas stretched. We can still print it with a border if you’d like.

Need a Sample?

By | Services, Tweek Imaging | No Comments

You know how excited you get when you go to a big box store and find out there are samples on every aisle?! Weeeellll, guess what?! It’s sample day, every day, here at Tweek! Read on for more info!

That’s right folks…this sample books can be yours! How do you get one? Place an order totalling $15 or more and it’s yours for free1! Or, you can order one by itself for $10.

We had to give you a video of these guys because we want you to see how fun it is to flip through. And to see how cool they are of course. Duh. You’re probably wondering why we are so excited to share these with you….

Remember our recent post about our paper options? Our sample book takes that knowledge base to higher ground. We’ve printed different images on each sample. Seems unnecessary right? Well, this is because we want you to see examples that we think matches the paper so you can see the paper in it’s best light. And because we want you to imaging what your similar photographs/work would look like.

You can store these in a desk drawer really easily. You can fan them out to see a broad overview. You can even take it apart2 and look at pages right next to each other if they aren’t close in the book. And because you can take it apart we will even send you more pages as we add inventory to our options. The perfect paper can take a project from nice to wow(!) and we want to make sure you know exactly what your wow(!) is.

1 Why free?! Because knowing what is at your fingertips is really priceless anyway. Add the sample book to your cart or make a note in the comment section of your order so we know you’d like one!

2 If you’re organized enough to not lose one of the pages. Good luck!

Tweeking Father’s Day

By | Tweek Imaging | No Comments

Ya’ll know Tweek is always here looking out for you. In lots of ways…by giving you quality products, by giving you tips on how to think differently about printing your work…or like today by reminding you to start thinking of how you can make your Dad real happy this Father’s Day!1

What is this post you’re looking at? It’s our first Tweek Gift Guide! We’ve got five options at varying prices that would make a perfect gift or a perfect addition to an assortment of gifts.2 So, what are these options? We thought you’d never ask!

Total sidenote: Who are these random people in the images? Well, the dad’s of Tweek and their beautiful (not so) babies of course!

Gift Guide! Read on:

  1. Canvas: As seen above, a canvas doesn’t have to be this huge statement piece. Well, it’s still a statement piece but let’s just say it doesn’t have to take up your entire wall. Maybe dad has the perfect spot3 in his office or study or maybe even a workshop. We can leave the matte finish as printed or shine the canvas up a bit with a gloss finish. Gloss might be better if your pretty faces are going in Dad’s woodworking shop. These pictured are 8×8 at $35.43 a piece4.
  2. Classic Print: Of course you know we print photos. We just wanted to remind you. This awesome 8×10 will run you $6.95 on Sunset Photo Matte plus shipping4 and you can update any frame Dad already has or find the perfect fit on your own.
  3. Classic Print Matted: I think we would all recommend this over the classic print unless you are replacing the photo in a frame with a matte already. Going up a size in your frame option paired with a matte really classes this gift up.5 This is also an 8×10. Runs $9.73 plus shipping4.
  4. Mounted to foam core: Now, you’re thinking why? Well, because if you do this you can put a hanger on mounted print and be done OR you can throw it into a frame and know that years from now it is never going to bow or wrinkle inside that beautiful frame you picked out. Also a 8×10 shown at $9.73 or $12.23 mounted with a hanger on Sunset Photo Matte4.
  5. Black and White on French Paper: This idea is something Tony loses his mind about a little. And who can blame him? It’s a real cool alternative to your classic black and white photo.6 Remember how we taught you to float an image? This is what we’ve done here. The lighter paper in this image is called White Wash and it is a 9×6 image on 8×10 paper ($6.95). The darker paper is called Cement Green and it is an 8×10 on 11×14 paper ($9.63).4

Sure we want to take your money but most of all we want you to preserve those memories with and for Dad. Even more fun is sending us an old negative or print that needs restoring and giving him a print of that. You’ll really surprise him. Yeah, we can do that for you. Remember Bill? Ok, that’s another post for another time. Just remember Dad this Father’s Day and give him something he can hold on to for years to come.

  1. The big day is June 18th. Deadlines for shipped Tweek orders is June 14th. If you’re a southerner like us and want to pick your order up…place your order by the 15th and pick it up on the 16th!
  2. Look at you big spenda! Dad definitely deserves the love.
  3. Large or small start an order to see all of our canvas sizes.
  4. Free shipping for any order of $35 or more!!
  5. This is a photo printed from a half-frame negative. Yep, we can do cool things like that. Half-frames are our friends!
  6. No, we aren’t saying that you should replace your beautiful black and white photographs with this just in addition to. We’d never ask you to let go of your classic B&W. Never.